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目的: OPE电子竞技官网 Student Support Grant provides one-time assistance to students experiencing a financial emergency to assist them in staying in college.

  • “紧急情况”是指短期情况, 不受学生控制的, occurring during the quarter of the request which threatens his/her home and/or threatens his/her ability to continue studies at OPE电子竞技官网.
  • 所有其他资源, 包括学生资助, 一定是经过考虑的,是不够的, 不可用, 或者不能及时提供.
  • Only expenses that are of an emergency nature will be considered as an appropriate use of this grant. Expenses must have been incurred during the quarter for which assistance is being requested.
  • 批准的补助金申请将直接支付给供应商. 学费不会直接支付给学生.

Eligibility: OPE电子竞技官网 Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for assistance:

  • 本学期入学.
  • Enrolled in six or more quarter credit hours in a degree-seeking program of study.
  • Successfully completed at least one quarter immediately prior to requesting assistance.
  • 学生只有资格获得一次助学金.

The number of students who can be served by the 学生紧急补助金 is subject to the availability of funds. 因为可用的资金有限, the maximum amount awarded for any student/family will be no more than $1,500.




The 学生紧急补助金 application is open to local and out-of-state; domestic (non-international) students, 包括DACA和非法移民, who are facing emergencies which are impeding their ability to continue forward in their degree program. 学生需要:

  • 本学期入学.
  • Enrolled in six or more quarter credit hours in a degree-seeking program of study.
  • 学生只有资格获得一次助学金.


The 学生紧急补助金 can cover a number of expenses and situations a student is facing. 例子包括:

  • 租金/短期住房费用
  • 水电费、煤气费等.)
  • 意外的医疗费用
  • Documented theft or damage of course textbooks and/or other essential academic items
  • 学术工具因火灾或盗窃而丢失
  • 因家庭暴力或自然灾害而背井离乡
  • 临时失业
  • 意外的儿童保育费用,以支付学习期间的费用
  • 其他(经评审委员会批准)


The types of expenses that are not covered by the 学生紧急补助金 include but are not limited to:

  • Legal expenses (for divorce or child custody cases, civil or criminal cases, etc.)
  • 信用卡账单
  • 学生账户上的滞纳金、服务费和罚款
  • 学费、杂费和书本费
  • 日常汽车保养费用(如换油), 过滤器), 机械维修(更换发动机/变速箱), 车辆保险, 或者购买一辆车
  • Previous debts or past due balances owed to OPE电子竞技官网 or other colleges/universities

Can international students apply for assistance from the 学生紧急补助金?

目前,国际学生不符合资格. 如果这一政策发生变化,我们将进行沟通.


In order to be eligible to apply for assistance from the 学生紧急补助金, you must be a current OPE电子竞技官网 degree-seeking student and have at least one successful quarter immediately prior to making the request. 但是,不需要全日制注册. You must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits for the quarter in which you are seeking assistance.

Is there a minimum total number of credits I need to have completed or a minimum GPA I need to have to qualify for the 学生紧急补助金?

不需要已经获得的特定学时. There is not a specific minimum GPA; however, you must maintain and be meeting SAP (Standards of Academic Progress) to qualify. 这将因项目和职业水平而异.



A student interested in applying for an emergency grant is encouraged to contact an 世纪挑战倡导顾问 to discuss their current emergency situation and available community resources. A student must explore other forms of support or resolution prior to completing an application. The student must have exhausted all other means of support and still be unable to pay financial obligations by the due date.


申请是一份在线表格. 有些问题与个人/人口统计数据有关, 学术信息和财务信息, 还有你的个人陈述, 学生, to clearly define the emergency situation you are currently facing and how it is preventing you from continuing in school. A section for attachments is available for uploading supporting or additional documentation. 不需要参考/推荐.

Is there someone I can contact if I need assistance filling out the application?

If you aren’t sure of what is being asked or requested on the application, 你可以向世纪挑战集团的辩护顾问寻求帮助.

Is the 学生紧急补助金 available on a first-come, first-served basis?

一旦资金耗尽, additional requests will not be considered until we have secured more funding.


只要有资金,申请就开放. Student must be enrolled in the quarter in which they are requesting a grant.


The purpose of the OPE电子竞技官网 Student Support Grant is to provide one-time assistance to students experiencing a financial emergency during the quarter.


How soon can I expect to find out if I have received an emergency grant?

由递交申请之日起, 审核过程最多需要4个工作日才能做出决定, 除非有必要作出紧急决定. If an urgent decision is warranted, you will receive the decision within 24-48 hours. 然而, 如果申请是在正常工作时间之后收到的, 在周末, 或者在假期, the process will pick up the following business day which may delay the decision.

If I am approved for the grant, how will the grant money be disbursed?

如果得到批准, you will be notified via your student email account with details of approved expenses to be paid and a request for any other information that may be required for payment. 世纪挑战集团将把支票邮寄给适当的供应商付款. OPE电子竞技官网不会直接给学生开任何支票.

Are the grants received from the emergency grant considered taxable income?

Please be sure to speak to your tax accountant or tax advisor for more information about the impacts on your taxes.


No, the emergency grant will not have to be paid back to OPE电子竞技官网 as long as you meet all conditions of the grant, 哪个是针对每个学生的具体情况.


There are many factors that are weighed to determine if your situation will be approved for receiving an emergency grant. 首先,帐户中必须有可用的补助金. 其次,你必须符合申请的条件. 一次合格, the quality of information provided in the application and any supplemental documentation will hold significant weight. 另外, a student’s degree progression (how close you are to degree completion/conferral), SAP状态(学业进步标准), 财务状况也会被考虑在内.


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